Each month high school students explore a new work of mercy so that, by faith in action, Jesus can teach us how to love Him and others more authentically.

Certificate in Evangelization
The Certificate in Evangelization aims to equip Catholics to be luminous witnesses to Christ in the world through deepened conversion of the mind.
More than ever, we need a well-formed and
mission-oriented laity capable of understanding the faith and sharing it with others.

Theological Academy
We call Theological Academy to various courses offered from the Pastoral Center for anyone who wants to grow spiritually and be formed in the reasons of faith.

Newman Academy
The Newman Academy is a space for Christian thought inspired by the teaching of Cardinal Newman,developed by the Saint John Society in collaboration with the Asociación Amigos de Newman in Argentina.

Alpha 2025
Alpha is a series of group conversations that explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly environment.